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Budget Officers and UBO Liaisons by Budget Unit

UnitBudget Officer UBO Liaison
Department of Athletics (DAPER)Brian FavatJacy Crapps
Graduate School of Business (GSB)Michael BiaginiJacy Crapps
Graduate School of Education (GSE)Tim CatalaMark Rickey
Hoover Institution (Hoover) Manpreet Bindra
Land, Buildings and Real Estate (LBRE)Katie NashDavis Reek
Office of External Relations (ExtRel)Daphna DavidsonDavis Reek
Office of the General Counsel (OGC)Kabao MouaMark Rickey
Office of Vice President for University Human Resources (UHR)Howard BobbManpreet Bindra
President and Provost Offices (PPO)Rhonda MarshManpreet Bindra
Public Safety (DPS)Jamie ScaleroMark Rickey
Residential and Dining Enterprises (R&DE)Cindy ZhangManpreet Bindra
School of Engineering (SoE)Kayte BishopMark Rickey
School of Humanities and Sciences (H&S)Blake GrenierDavis Reek
School of Law (Law)Chuck SpielmanManpreet Bindra
School of Medicine (SoM)Teresa LeeJacy Crapps
Sierra Camp Manpreet Bindra
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC)Connie MorimotoJacy Crapps
Stanford Alumni Association (SAA)Charlene HuManpreet Bindra
Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability (SDSS)Jane ChenMark Rickey
Stanford Management Company (SMC)Yehbin SongManpreet Bindra
Stanford University Libraries (SUL)Bernadette LiuManpreet Bindra
Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid (UGAFA)Karen CooperSabrina Fong
Vice President for the Arts (VPA)Mimi WaiMark Rickey
Vice President for Business Affairs (BA)Luz BarraganJacy Crapps
Vice Provost & Dean of Research (DoR)Xing DingMark Rickey
Vice Provost for Graduate Education (VPGE)Rebecca JantzenMark Rickey
Vice Provost for Student Affairs (VPSA)Alesia SaterfieldDavis Reek
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE)Bryan BrownDavis Reek

Access to UBO Resources and Communications

UBO uses unit-based workgroups to manage access to UBO information and communications for three main audiences:

  1. Dean/VP Office Finance Staff
  2. Department Finance Staff
  3. Senior Leadership

The table below shows each workgroup category's intended audience and the UBO resources available to workgroup members. Budget officers should regularly review, add, or remove finance staff from their unit into their dean and department workgroups and review access levels granted; one budget officer from each unit has administrative access to their respective workgroups (for example, the budget officer for Business Affairs would review and update their two workgroups “BudgetOffice: BusAff_Deans_Office_Level_Finance_Staff” and “BudgetOffice: BusAff_Dept_Level_Finance_Staff”). See more detailed instructions, including a full list of dean and department workgroups for each unit.

Workgroup AudienceWorkgroup NameWorkgroup DescriptionGranted/Managed By
Dean/VP Office Finance StaffBudgetoffice: (unitname)_
Workgroup for Dean's Office-level budget officers and analysts who have access to public and confidential information (e.g., GF allocations, planning assumptions) and are listed on the UBO website.Budget  Officer /Unit Dean/VP Office
Department Finance Staff (optional)Budgetoffice: (unitname)_
Workgroup for department level finance staff who have access to public and limited confidential information (e.g., planning  assumptions).Unit Dean/VP Office
Senior LeadershipBudgetOffice: dean_vp_caoWorkgroup for all deans, VPs, and chief administrative officers.UBO


Please submit a Service Now ticket (choose “General” for help with workgroups; a UBO member will guide you through this process as needed).