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Budget Plan Deadlines

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In addition to the UBO Calendar of Activities, Budget Officers and Departments will find this page useful for keeping track of Budget plan-specific deadlines. Note: The deadlines below for FY26 will be updated in winter 2024, specifically for the CPB System. 

FY25 Budget Plan Process

DateBudget Officers and their teamsDateDepartment / Program Budgeters
Available Now

 Budget Plan Training video live in STARS; these videos replace the live refresher sessions offered in prior years for returning users and offer some detailed examples for new users.

New User Live Zoom Session Feb 22, 2p-4p  Register via STARS by Feb 21.

Available Now

 Budget Plan Training video live in STARS; these videos replace the live refresher sessions offered in prior years for returning users and offer some detailed examples for new users.

New User Live Zoom Session Feb 22, 2p-4p  Register via STARS by Feb 21.

Feb 26FY25 Budget Plan Process kicks off;
Final submissions are due April 5th
Feb 26FY25 Budget Plan Process kicks off;
Check with your budget officer for your department's involvement and due date
Feb 26 -  Apr 4Instructor Office Hours by appointment replace scheduled Open Labs... Submit a Service Request for an appointment for individual help.Feb 26 - Apr 4Instructor Office Hours by appointment replace scheduled Open Labs... Submit a Service Request for an appointment for individual help.
Prepopulated by UBO1) Endowment with Jan 2023 data
2) Payout Data as of 2/15/23, reloaded by UBO ~3/15 with Feb 2023 data
Before you start budgeting1) IMPORTANT: Make changes to your Department Favorites by 3/4/24. Changes are disabled after this date.
2) Make any changes to planning assumptions that have been inherited from UBO entries.
Before you start budgetingMake sure you understand your Budget Officer's internal budgeting deadlines and expectations.
March 14Ensure your unit's Transfer Administration System (TAS) entries are complete and current for upload into Tidemark  
March 15 (Tentative)Base General Fund allocations entered by UBO  
March 15TAS Entries available in Tidemark  
March 28Last Day to make endowment principal changes in Endowment Planning application; email when you want payout data migrated to your Budget Plan  
By April  51) Adjust your calculated ISC in ISC panels; ensure you have budgeted the portion of ISC recovery that is allocated to Dean/VP officesBy April 5th, or earlier internal deadline1) Adjust your calculated ISC in ISC panels
By April 5Completed Year End Projection and Budget Plan Submission due. See Understanding your numbers guidelines.